I have to move soon, I'm praying to get an apartment in ###. The rent will be $###, but this includes, water, internet, & valet trash pick up in a gated community. I'm praying that I can keep the rent paid and food on the table. My daughter has agreed to pay the power bill. I'm trying to get...
child support
country: united states
disability settlement
gated community
mighty name
part time job
power bill
uncle roosevelt
water internet valet trash
I rather go into jc penny early to clean n projects to be done I hate waiting until they come in n we have to wait hours I rather punch in early instead of working later
Can I get prayer I am a cleaner for jc penny n lynn the store manager won't leave me be trying ro get me fire harassing me n bullying me it getting worst now tia the lead is yelling a screaming at me
I haven't been myself since this happened sleepless night bad dream crying not wanted or needed...
I miss my job at jc penny but don't feel comfortable going to work cause of lynn n tia bullying me I don't want to lose my job but I don't feel wanted or needed anymore
I feel heartbroken I didn't receive the 3rd return or refund Holiday hours just open up n I feel I can't win I pray it be a busy holiday season I pray I can get 40 at jc Penny
Still haven't got my first pay check n since Tia came back I been getting Crapy hours only 16 I pray more hours open up at jc Penny as a Porter I want to be the only Porter I don't want to share my hours
Sad no xtra hours at Diversfield maintenance or Porter hours at jc Penny I was hoping more Porter hours open up everyday I wish other stop interferes with me getting hours
Prayer that my apartment get spray early things go smoothly n hope to be back less than 8 hrs Pray more hours open up at work at jc Penny Pray I get my 2 missing check that I didn’t receive i love my job but I need my money asap
Pray no one interferes with me working at jc Penny as a Porter I well take any xtra hours I can get I really don't need anyone interfere I hope I get favors with David n Tia
Pray Kbs (David let me be the Porter at night everyday at jc Penny 7 days a week I pray they don't get no one I am hurting fianically I pray they don't take away no hours from me but I well gain the hours