islamic state group

  1. Taeweth

    Dear Father, we lift up our brothers ...

    Dear Father, we lift up our brothers and sisters who risk so much to follow You in Cameroon. We pray for those in the Far North region who live under the constant risk of violence – please protect our sisters from sexual violence and abduction and our brothers from attacks and death. We ask You...
  2. Wylandadh

    Christians in Democratic Republic of Congo ask us to join in prayer after a brutal murder of a Pastor

    Friends, will you pray ferently with us for our sisters and brothers in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)? We have a difficult report to share that shows the horror of what's happening to Christians there. On November 25, the body of Pastor Issac Muhindo Baraka, who led a church in North...
  3. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Mozambique

    Mozambique hugs the coast in far southeastern Africa. Though over half the population is considered Christian, persecution is extremely high in the northern area of the country. There, Islamic extremists - including the Islamic State group - have looted and destroyed many churches, Christian...
  4. Wylandadh

    Islamic State group kills Christian in Egypt

    Friends, Egyptian Christians ask that you join them in prayer after the shockingly brutal killing of Nabil Hasbashy Salama. Nabil was a well-known, 62 year old Christian who was kidnapped from his shop several months ago in north Sinai. In an execution video, the Islamic State group claimed the...
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