irritation itchiness pain

  1. natasha2

    Pain - shoulders, back....period/menstr cycle....efficiency-home work....###-eye inflammation, family harmony

    No pain/tension in my shoulders or back. Really strong pain sometimes. In some positions or sometimes I cannot properly breathe in. My menstrual cycle and period to be regulated. 3 last periods were too early. Also two of them were too excessive. Now I have a period again. Please...
  2. natasha2

    Pain - shoulders, back....period/menstr cycle....efficiency-home work....###-eye inflammation, family harmony

    No pain/tension in my shoulders or back. Really strong pain sometimes. In some positions or sometimes I cannot properly breathe in. My menstrual cycle and period to be regulated. 3 last periods were too early. Also, both of them were too excessive. Now I have a period again...
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