Heavenly father pls cleanse me forgive me of all sins cleanse me of all sins and all unrighteousess. Pls remove all obstructions. Pls deliver me from the demons hand of the enemy. Pls destroy all evil desires wicked desires witchcraft evil thoughts evil eye nightmares evil dreams demonic dreams...
bad motives
country: unknown
demonic mindsets
evil desires
evil dreams demonic dreams
evil eye nightmares
evil thoughts
heavenly father
sexual sin sexual addictions
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. Pls deliver me from all evil and all wickedness. Pls create in me a clean heart and a pure mind. Pls protect me as I venture out this morning and as I come back home. Pls protect me from all demonic attacks satanic attacks intrusive thoughts bad thoughts...
bad intentions
clean heart
country: unknown
demonic attacks
evil thoughts
heavenly father
pure mind pls
satanic attacks
wickedness pls