Praying for restoration, recompense, promotion, manifestation of my promises, double for my trouble, overflow and abundance in Jesus mighty name. Praying against delays, stagnation, hinderances, blockages, and interferences in the mighty name of Jesus.
Praying against setbacks, delays, Goliaths, blockages, hinderances, interferences, tests, distractions, spiritual warfare and holdups in Jesus mighty name. Praying for miracles, blessings, restoration, answered prayers, and breakthrough. Praying that this month is full of back to back blessings...
Praying against setbacks, delays, Goliaths, blockages, hinderances, interferences, tests, distractions, spiritual warfare and holdups in Jesus mighty name. Praying for miracles, blessings, restoration, answered prayers, and breakthrough. Praying that this month is full of back to back blessings...
Praying for restoration, recompense, promotion, manifestation of my promises, double for my trouble, overflow and abundance in Jesus mighty name. Praying against delays, stagnation, hinderances, blockages, and interferences in the mighty name of Jesus.
Help me pray for my (ex)relationship. We broke up because of interferences from him sister. Always making us fight and turning words around. If the relationship is made by God, May he bless it and restore it. If it’s not made by God, May I have the strength to fully let go and move on with my...
Thanks to you all. I have found a house and the charges are less than what I had anticipated. Im going to pray and anoint it this morning. Please pray with me. I am also sending in my Proposal in Jesus' Name. It has taken me more than 3 years to get it to where it is. I pray that it is accepted...