innocent life

  1. Prosagogakos

    To decree wars to end in the world

    Dear Heavenly Father please decree wars to end in the world visit the hearts of leaders of nations to have a heart of forgiveness to stop destroying their nations slowly and killing the innocent life's In Jesus Christ almighty name Amen
  2. jcjcpurple

    Thank you Lord, thank you Lord for ...

    Thank you Lord, thank you Lord for all that you have done for us. I pray this year be a better year. That I achieve my goals, not think negative but always be positive. They say through you Christ all things are possible, please get me through these struggles and trying times. How much more do I...
  3. gennyn1

    Prayers for 1 month old granddaughter and son

    Heavenly Father, I don't know what else to do but to lift my Granddaughter Aria and my son up to you. I ask that you let us hear from my granddaughters mother how she is and where she is. I pray that you will let this child's mother see what she is doing to hurt a innocent life. I pray that...

    PLEASE DO something about that war with ...

    PLEASE DO something about that war with Ukraine please LORD protect the innocent life and Stop this nonesense madness of Russia NOT acceptable in Jesus name amen
  5. Anonymous

    Innocent people being killed

    Jesus , I know what its like to be a soldier. They want you to follow orders. Innocent men, women and children are being killed in the Israeli - Gaza conflict. I feel a lot of this is not intential, but something they call collateral damage. Please intervene so both sides can each a peaceful...
  6. Nyftrag

    Iam soo down in my work place ...

    Iam soo down in my work place being pinned down with my innocent life. I have been pushed in all sides of my of my life

    Please pray for Hunger spread in Guatemala ...

    Please pray for Hunger spread in Guatemala . Heavenly Father lions may go hungry but those who seek you lack NOT a good thing. I am seeking you on their behalf may you comfort them and may you feed them and other nations that need food . I know you own everything in this world and you are the...
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