heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls save me from spiritual attacks this night. Pls forgive and clean me from my sins and iniquities. Pls make my prayer life my purity and my intimacy with you better. That there will be no evil no sin no wickedness in me. Pls save me. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls forgive me of my sins and iniquities. Pls make me holy & pure. Pls make me more prayer person make me have relationship with you. Pls soften my 💜. Pls give me peaceful rest this night. Pls protect me from manipulation & retaliation from failure from sin from anger from...
heavenly father pls set me free from bondage from addictions & idolatry & evil eye & witchcraft & sin & impure thoughts & iniquities. Pls clean my 💜 & make it pure that there be no impurity no evil no wickedness no sin inside of me. Plz protect me from demonic attacks satanic attacks witchcraft...
heavenly father pls set me free from bondage from addictions & idolatry & evil eye & witchcraft & sin & impure thoughts & iniquities. Pls clean my 💜 & make it pure that there be no impurity no evil no wickedness no sin inside of me. Pls protect me this morning. In JESUS name. AMEN.