influential people

  1. Anonymous


    Dear God of wonders without number, Please l pray that you bless the programme, cause your children and influential people to represent, l also pray that the programme is successful, peaceful, splendid and beautiful. Bless all children participating, our sponsors and love ones. Make us beautiful...
  2. Mischa

    Losing Home and Income

    Please pray that the crimes by influential people are stopped, and the crazy slander of me is exposed, so even the dimmest and most corrupt must live in the real world. Please pray for the possibility for justice and compensation so I can survive, have a life and a future. Please pray that...
  3. Mischa

    Guru Stalking

    Please pray that I'll be free from the Dalai Lama gurus and their demonic means. One of them threatened in 2001 to use spiritual means to get my loved ones killed and my body destroyed when I refused to have a sexual relationship with him or worship him. My family was murdered since and I've...
  4. Dunni

    I want God to make my life ...

    I want God to make my life different from this day henceforth. I want supernatural opportunities and want to be visible to influential people. I want miraculous transformation in my life to the extent that people will ask me what I'm doing and I'll say it is God.
  5. Mischa

    Kitten has Pneumonia

    I've been exposed to violent and financial crime by influential people, including home invasions and rape since years. The police refuse to do anything about it. They're constantly poisoning and infecting my loved ones and I. I'm down with a bad staph infection, which has spread to my kidneys...
  6. Mischa

    Urgent - Cat Sick + Need Justice

    My cat got treatment on Tuesday for an infection, a stress reaction, and having been poisoned, according to the vet. He took off over the fence from the garden Wednesday morning, and just came home Saturday, very skinny. He has finally started to drink (thank you so much for prayers!) but is...
  7. Mischa

    Urgent - Cat Very Sick

    My cat got treatment on Tuesday for an infection, a stress reaction, and having been poisoned, according to the vet. He took off over the fence from the garden Wednesday morning, and just came home yesterday, very skinny. He has finally started to drink (thank you so much for prayers!) but is...
  8. Mischa

    Urgent - Critically Sick Cat

    My cat got treatment on Tuesday for a severe infection, stress reaction, and having been poisoned, according to the vet. He took off over the fence from the garden Wednesday morning, and just came home, very skinny. He doesn't eat or drink. Please pray that he will be fine. I'm exposed to...
  9. Mischa

    Sick Cat Missing

    My critically ill cat got treatment on Tuesday for infection, a stress reaction, and having ingested something harmful, according to the vet. He should be fine within days. Wednesday morning, I found him in his own feaces, still unable to eat or drink. I took him out in the garden to let him get...
  10. Mischa

    Urgent - Sick Cat Missing

    My critically ill cat got treatment on Tuesday for infection, a stress reaction, and having ingested something harmful, according to the vet. He should be fine within days. Wednesday morning, I found him in his own feaces, still unable to eat or drink. I took him out in the garden to let him get...
  11. Mischa

    Urgent - Cat Dying

    I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They've murdered my family and my in-laws. My cat is suddenly extremely sick from infection or poisoning, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, unable to drink, even tuna water. Due to recent crimes, I have no money for any...
  12. Mischa

    Urgent - Need Possibility for Justice

    I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They murdered my loved ones so I have no one. The criminals' slander also makes it hopeless to keep a job. l need my legal rights to certain files and recordings. I need justice/compensation for survival. I'm out of...
  13. Mischa

    Urgent - Need Possibility for Justice

    I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They murdered my loved ones so I have no one. The criminals' slander also makes it hopeless to keep a job. l need my legal rights to certain files and recordings. I need justice/compensation for survival. I'm out of...
  14. Mischa

    Urgent - Need Possibility for Justice

    I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They murdered my loved ones so I have no one. The criminals' slander also makes it hopeless to keep a job. l need my legal rights to certain files and recordings. I need justice/compensation for survival. I'm out of...
  15. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Everything

    I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They murdered my loved ones so I have no one. The criminals' slander also makes it hopeless to keep a job. l need my legal rights to certain files and recordings. I need justice/compensation for survival. I'm out of...
  16. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Everything

    I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They murdered my loved ones so I have no one. The criminals' slander also makes it hopeless to keep a job. l need my legal rights to certain files and recordings. I need justice/compensation for survival. I'm out of...
  17. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Everything

    My cat got out of the garden and has been missing more than 5 days now. I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They murdered my loved ones so I have no one. The criminals' slander also makes it hopeless to keep a job. l need my legal rights to certain...
  18. Mischa

    Cat Missing

    My cat got out of the garden and has been missing for more than 4 days now. I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They murdered my loved ones so I have no one. The criminals' slander also makes it hopeless to keep a job. l need my legal rights to certain...
  19. Mischa

    Cat Missing

    My cat got out of the garden and has been missing for almost 4 days now. Please pray for his safe return, and that he can get out of any basement, shed, carport, he is might accidentally be closed inside of. I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They...
  20. Mischa

    Urgent - Cat Missing

    My cat got out of the garden and has been missing for more than 2 days now. Please pray for his safe return, and that he can get out of any basement, shed, carport, he is might accidentally be closed inside of. I'm exposed to violent and financial crime since years by influential people. They...
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