My prayer request today and moving forward is for health, and justice from the individuals that have been running my life, such as sabotaging me and future. Ask for these people to be punished through them and their generations and there to come for the sabotaging my life through every in life...
They're hinting at a fourth stimulus check, but the problem is, everything is geared towards parents and familys. There are INDIVIDUAL people who have financial problems, too.And familys who don't. That these generalizations and assumptions stop, and that EVERYONE is dealt fairly, including us...
country: united states
financial problems
fourth stimulus check
ignorant decisions
other side
wicked decisions
That with the stimulus checks, instead of showing favoritism and doling out more only to those with kids, but giving less to those individual people who have problems,that the ones behind it realize that some with kids have plenty of money, and some individual people could have financial...