Jesus please let my husband share more money with me from his bonus, instead of spending it all. Please also let my son be good at school today and my identity theft situation be cleared up and my mail that I am expecting come tomorrow and my cell phone company give me another replacement phone...
Jesus please let my husband change his taxes back at work tonight and please let my identity theft situation get resolved and my missing mail found. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help my husband at work. Please let my identity theft situation get resolved and please let my son's teacher grade his assignment and him do well finishing his test Monday. Please also let my missing mail show up next week. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please stop Putin and his destruction of the Ukraine. Please protect those people. Please help my son at school and help him stay awake and alert and pay attention in Math class. Please also let him do his French project with his partner. His grade is dependent on the other person! Please...
Jesus please help my son with his quiz at school please let his art teacher be nice to him and accept redo. Please let conference go well with teacher today and please let my son want to do his homework and please let this identity theft situation get resolved and my checks cashed. Thank you...
Jesus please help my son today. Please let him do good on his quizzes. Please let his art teacher be nice to him and accept his redo. Please don't let him be offended by my message to him, I am just standing up for my son and I did not see him post a due date until after it was due, and he is...
Jesus please let me get this identity theft situation resolved and let my checks get cashed and my son cooperate and his teacher be nice and let him redo his art assignment. Please let my husband do something with my son soon. Thank you Jesus, Amen.