When considering fasting during your period, it's important to prioritize your health and well-being. Here are a few general considerations:
1. **Consult a Healthcare Professional**: Before starting any fast, especially during your menstrual cycle, it's wise to consult with a healthcare...
My mother is elderly and very ill. She is bedridden with late stage dementia and late stage cancer. It's breaking my heart seeing her struggle. Pray she will have more times of peace here on earth before The Lord calls her home. With dementia, she is making noises often loud for hours and it's...
Blessed be the name of the Lord, He is worthy to be praised and adored, so we lift up holy hands sin one accord, singing blessed be the name of the Lord. We will never ever forget to bless, honor and glorify the name of the Lord wherever we are.
Throughout the night, the thunder roars and...