Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus .my husband Sebastian is healed . thank you Abba Father,for restoring his health. Thank you all brothers and sisters praying for us
Praise the Lord Almighty! Pray for my husband Sebastian's health . He is having fever. And checked with doctor. He is telling mild covid is there. Like phenumonia. He is kidney transplant patient .please pray for his healing.i trust you Jesus.
Dear Brother, I'm sandhya from Bangalore. My husband Sebastian was suffering from throat pain for two weeks. Despite taking medicine nothing worked. He has given the cancer test. By end of this week he will get his test result. I'm extremely worried. I beg you to pray for my husband health. The...
Praise the Lord,my husband Sebastian is healed and his oxygen level has come to normal .thank you Jesus , thank you all brothers and sisters for praying for us. Glory to God
Praise the Lord !!! My husband Sebastian who has bacterial infection .his health is improving and breathing problem is getting solved ,now no fever also. Pray for his full recovery 🙏,thank you Jesus ,have mercy on us .
My husband Sebastian who is kidney transplant patient,has fever from last 12 days covid 19 is negative.priase the Lord .some bacterial infection is there in lungs,so he has breathing problem slightly ,he has hosptilize ,pray for him,that doctor finds right cause os sickness and he gets right...
bacterial infection
country: india
days covid
kidney transplant patient
negative praise
right cause of sickness
right treatment
Jesus,,my husband Sebastian is kidney transplant patient he had fever and breathlessness from last two days they ask to do covid 19 test ,pray that reports come normal.jesus I trust you
Pray for my husband Sebastian,he is kidney transplant patient from last one week he is getting fever with body ache, doctor tested everything ,gave medicine of five days also but still morning fever is not going . Monday we may have to doctor. Pray for his good health.