huge truck

  1. Roron


    My son got a dui It’s his first And last He’s a saved believer ans I never thought he’d do it He needs prayers. He has a humble heart An is remorseful He has asked for forgiveness. No one was hurt the did crash his small Corolla into a huge truck at 25 mph his car went under the truck and...
  2. Glorlesk

    Saints the stalking has to stop today ...

    Saints the stalking has to stop today a huge truck was stalking me. My x has to be held accountable.
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Can't Sleep.....too many nightmare's.....i can't lose my mind....please Daddy--God i need you to protect me...

    i had 2 very bad experiences today a very either drunk or high truck driver decided to bully me... tail-gate me...follow me...threaten me...cut me off...try to hit me in the back...side swipe me...and various other things... just for no reason...other then he had a HUGE HUGE TRUCK it was a...
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