Bless me to Fall in love with a good man who knows and loves the Lord! Bless my date Wed and let us get to know each other and make God honoring conversation, actions and plans! Lead him to know Jesus! Show me what to wear! Let it be romantic. Help me with work and balanced amazing life! Let me...
"Well, then," Jesus said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God."
His reply completely amazed [his opponents who tried to trap him].
—Mark 12:17 NLT
Key Thought
Jesus' answer was as profound as it was simple. He refused to get caught in a debate with...
country: local intranet
earthly citizenship
earthly homeland
holy bible new living translation copyright
holy character
holy wisdom
tyndale house foundation
Almost all my life I have struggled with selfish indiscipline. Laziness has been pet of my life. I found an amazing woman which I love and a job I really love and is being hard for me being diligent and hardworking. Tried to be a schedule people but ended having struggles in my relationship and...