homosexual couples

  1. Wylandadh

    Intercessors for America - praying for the mature minor law which enables children to start gender changing procedures without parental knowledge

    Father, we pray that You would protect our children. Save them from those who wish to use and manipulate them, God. Prev Article Next Article My granddaughter is almost 13 years old. When she turns 13, she cannot drive or vote, but according to the Tennessee Mature Minor Doctrine, she can go to...
  2. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Brunei - children

    All primary and secondary school children in Brunei must learn about Islam. Pray that Christian children will be given discernment to hold onto the truth of Jesus despite the pressure to follow Islam. Thanks you so much for praying, Elohim bless you. Prayer taken from Open Doors UK and...
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