Out of the righteous of glory of heaven I pray to be streanthened by all power qnd might in every way part of ke right now I can do all things through christ that streanthens me I have the peace of god that passes all human understanding now always the peace of God rules in my mind heart whole...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord photographes videis selfies snap chats snap xjafs videus watapp videis fave time videis are so very important to me lird they create memorys lord I ask you please please please bless me evefy pset of me please lord to please please look incredibly...
country: united kingdom
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Lord I ask you please please make the council council inspector please lord renew rough casting on the outside of flat I live and all the other flat ls round about where I live asap please by your power in jesus name please lord make the council also please put new alot better roofs on flat I...
Lord please protect t me my home flat whole building area I live my finances my family everywhere I go with your mighty mighty fire protections holy angels always forever no weapons formed against me will prosper ever in jesus nand no weapons formed against my finances will prosper ever no evil...
Lord I pray h never ever contacts me in any way ever again in jesus name I pray h never ever comes near my hone flat building area where I live ever in jesus name I pray lord you punish h and send him back to where he was born now please without any delay i pray you keep all every women young...
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country: united kingdom
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Lord I.pray ha stops messaging ne contacting me now permantly in jesus name I pray h never ever ever comes near my flat home building area where I live ever in jesus name please lord keep all women children girls away from h as ges evil please punish h in every way mighty now in jesus name...
country: united kingdom
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My lord my god nothing is impossible with you lord you can do all things your words say ask and I will recieve lord please forgive me for all things I love you lord jesus there is none like you please please bless me please lord wuth total total success victory abubdant wealth prosperyy...