mega praise report: i recieved even now healin form the Lord Jeus Chirs ton my teeht and jaw shifitn in place.. after suffeirn many year swith type one diabete sinsulin reistance diabetic acidosis i have recivec so mcuh healign. I praise God. i am so thankful i am so thankful to eb alive thank...
coornphobia szil nk phobia dirt phobia
country: hungary
happy most beautiful nephew pleas
many miraculous ways
many switch type one diabetes insulin resistance
mother sbrian andlfe lor
reall deepest thnak oyu
small bowel obstruction syndrome
true love easy love
praise report! Praise the Lord!! He is good! Tbest! NOthign is impossible with HIm! We serve a great God! thank you churhc of oru Lord Jesus Christ for oyur prayers. they truly have doeon so much. i know i got helaign becuas eof oyu rprayers before as belive the Lord told me ( i had not repented...