holy sabbath

  1. richardmokaya

    Thanking God for the Gift of Sabbath

    Glory and Mighty Father in Heaven, I thank You for the Gift of the Holy Sabbath. Bless all of us in Jesus Name, Amen
  2. richardmokaya

    My Family

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of the Holy Sabbath. Thank you for the family that you gifted to me, Tabitha my wife and Gregory and Winnie as children blessed to us. I pray for divine consideration for family unity, peace and love. I pray for the prosperity in each and every one of us...
  3. richardmokaya

    Perimeter wall and Science Lab Projects

    Heavenly Father I thank you and Glorify your Mighty Name for the gift of the Holy Sabbath. Bless everyone coming before Thy Feet in worship and petitions. This afternoon, I pray that Wall and Lab projects kick off and be completed to the satsifaction of all stakeholders. I pray for the...
  4. richardmokaya

    Forgive us our sinful acts

    Lord, The Almighty Father, forgive me on my sins today as weworship the Holy Sabbath. Cleanse us Oh Jehova, by the Blood of Jesus shed on the Cross at Calvary, Amen
  5. richardmokaya

    Happy Sabbath.

    Gracious Master in Heaven, Thank you for the gift of the Holy Sabbath and Worship. Hearken to the desires of our hearts and forgive our shortcomings. Bless us in Jesus Name. Amen.
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