Please continue to pray for me. That I got a good grade on my history quiz 2 for history class. Please pray that my history professor will post the grade on blackboard very soon. Thank You, for praying for me. May God Bless You. Amen. My Lord, I humbly pray that I will pass both classes with an...
My Lord, have mercy of me. Please bless me to pass my history quiz with a C at least. Please have mercy of me. I cannot focus and concentrate in this house. Please help me remember something from what I am studying so that I can answer all questions on the quiz. In Your Name, I humbly pray and...
My Lord thank you for waking me up this day. My family and pets as well. My Lord, I humbly pray you forgive me, for falling short. My Lord, I pray that you grant me strength to dedicate myself to prayer. My Lord, please, bless me this day, in my studies, bless me with excellent memory recall...