No heavy pain in my muscles - leggs, hipps. Gastritis or virus symptoms.No acid reflux/heartburn, diarrhea or any diggestive issues.
Good sweet sleep now.
Wise and righteous decisions. Prosperity and blessings.
LIFE PARTNER for me who will bring LOVE, JOY, PROSPERITY into my life. Amen
acid reflux heartburn diarrhea
country: croatia
digestive issues
good sweet sleep
heavy pain
life partner
love joy prosperity
righteous decisions
virus symptoms
No pain in bones/muscles in leggs/hipps (gastritis or virus consequemces?).
Total Healing from virus/flue/cold.
Normal stomach acid.
No diarrhea.
No nervous diggeation.
Normal relaxed diggestion.
No weird dumb sound in my ear.
Normal blood pressure.
No tension, anxiety, stress feeling but...