My father ### 70yrs old had hip bone fracture operation on July month. Cos of that he has difficulty in walking, without the help of stretcher. He needs someone's support when walking. Last time we took my father to hospital for his x-ray test Dr said that report is not clear. X-ray isn't done...
My father ### 70yrs old Neice. He's not able to sleep at night. He feels sleepy and can't sleep. As he had Ortho operation on July month. Since then he's having trouble in sleeping. Mostly at night time. He cannot sleep in bed. Cos he cannot stretch his legs straight. It hurts. Due to hip bone...
My father ### 70yrs old. He has insomania. He can't sleep at night. Wakes up every time at night. Cos of not able to sleep. He's not feeling comfortable to sleep position. Even if he try to change or adjust his sleeping position. Still he unable to sleep his desire sleep position.. nether he's...
country: india
desire sleep position
father james sleep
good sleep
hipbonefractureoperationhip pain
operation pain
ortho operation
pls bro n sis
sleeping position
My father ### 70yrs old. Has trouble sleeping at night. Waking up every time.. since he had hip bone fracture operation on 31st July. Till now he's not able to sleep well at night. As he's leg pains when he moves, he walks with the help of ortho stretcher. Sometimes he sits in wheel chair. Walks...
31st july
country: india
elder sister rosalia
family protection
good sleep protection
leg pains
ortho strecher
right foot
sick patient
Pray request for my father ### 70yrs old. As he had hip bone fracture operation on ###. Since then he's having leg pain.. can't move fast. Can't do much leg movement as it pains. Especially his right leg is paining. Left leg is ok he can move it. Because of all this reason. My father is not able...
Pray request for my father ### 70yrs old. Pray for him as he feels tiredness in his body. No energy like, since he's ortho operation. Pray request for strength in his body. Need full energy in his body. Pray request for his leg pain healing of his hip bone fracture operation. So that he may able...
My father ### 70yrs old. As he sits in wheel chair since he's ortho operation, since then he's taste of food also is gone, he do eats but less he eats. He says food doesn't feel taste like bfor he used to eat. I ask for your all prayers for my father so that God will open up his hunger for food...
My father ### his insomania has been a bit better than his previous time. Since one month he has been struggling to sleep. Because of insomania. Used to wake up every time at night. Not been able to sleep. Because of your all prayers he's a bit better at least. Thank you all for your prayers...
Prayer request for my parents mom ### and father ###. Both of them to sleep well tonight. Not to get sleep disturbance. As my father not able to sleep well at night cos of insomania. Every night he wakes up. He's sleep gets disrupted. Since he had Ortho operation since that time he's not able to...
bad thoughts
country: india
good sleep
good sufficient sleep
name amen
ortho operation
ortho stretcher
sleep disturbance
speed recovery
My father ### has difficulty in sleeping. He's sleep gets disrupted. Can't sleep back after it's disrupted, hardly he sleeps at night. Either it's insomania. Not a single night he gets good sleep. Sometimes he doesn't lay down in bed. Cos he's unable to sleep days. He just seats and sleeps...
Healing prayer request for my father ### he can't sleep peacefully. Every night he wakes up like ###.5 times at night. He's sleep gets disrupted he can't sleep back. We want him to sleep well. But he's having trouble in sleeping. He had hip bone fracture operation so he's right leg also is...
Once again a small prayer request for my father ### 70 yrs old. He's both legs is swollen. Don't know why. It maybe due to non much movement of legs. As I'm mentioning again dt my father had hip bone fracture operation on ###. After that n bfor operation he was sitting in wheel chair as he...
Pray for my father ###. For his strong legs. As he had Ortho operation last week. Somehow he does a small walk with the help of an ortho stretcher walker. Sometimes he sits in the wheelchair also. With our help and support. It might take time to heal his legs. His pain is no more now. But still...
country: india
father james legs
father speed recovery
michael b bro daniel
ortho operation
ortho strecher walker
rose thorn
sister rose lima
successful operation
I want prayer request for my father ### 70yrs old. We saw something strange in my father whenever he sleeps he's mouth opens up moving right left, his hands and legs n feet shakes. Never saw like this bfore. Day or night whenever he sleeps it happens wt could be this. Feeling scared and worried...
Dear brother and sister in Christ Jesus. I'm here to thank you all those who prayed for my father ### for his ortho operation. After his operation he had very bad pain on his hip. As he had hip bone fracture operation. At first day it was so much unbearable pain. It was so much that my father...
bad pain
country: india
dear brother
dr painkiller
father james
first day
ortho operation
ortho strecher walker
unbearable pain