Pray that PAP will lose all the votes in the next election because of the eroded trust, mistakes, lies and hypocrisy with ministerial extra-marital affairs and and poor policies making which makes Singapore a living hell for Singaporean and resulted in high abortion rates, high unemployment...
3 6 12 24 months unsustainable contract
country: singapore
high abortion rateshighunemploymentrates
ministerial extra marital affairs
national policies
next election
pap bend aid solution
poor policies
trust mistakes lies
It is due to the PAP politician used dirty tricks during the elections time to draw out districts and suppressing some districts the rights of voting and automatically meant that that district voted for PAP automatically. As this was voting unfairly and the opposition despite their ways to win...
The high unemployment rates in Singapore was due to companies discrimination against locals. Imagine if a locals job seeker sent 1000 to 2000 resumes to different job in different companies but got rejected because of companies discrimation. Or when you are invite to an interview face to face...
1000 to 2000 resumes
clerical work
country: singapore
different job
fake credentials
inferior goods
locals job seeker
one local
paying job
Please pray for Jesus to thwart the increase in population since 2013 in Singapore by attracting foreigners to have mindless competition and neglection of Singaporean by PAP government to increase the population at the expense of Singaporeans resulting in high unemployment rates amongst locals...