Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation and healing even now you are healing my teeth. Praise report! Thank you Lord deliver me please from anxieties and phobia not in your will. I ask you remove COVID and also glass shard in clothing obsession phobias. I need to focus on my grandma...
clean house peae
country: hungary
dementia small bowel obstruciton syndorm
granny stye infection infection
health yhappy life lovign
inner dhelign diabetes diabetes insipidus possible tumor
la nee dhelaign
pierre nee dhelaign
urinary tract infection
THanky oyu Lor dofr last nights miracle of teeth shiftign itnoplace . thank you Lor dof rbeign so kind. pelase forgiv emy sisn and hela my mom of asperger syndorm hela our relationship. help her to open her eyes to see not jsut th eoutside and be able to discern tone of voice and also intention...
askign God to please heal my grandma form demntia heal her heart heal her kidney function healign of allobstrucitons digestion metbaolic processes metbaloic disporder diabete sinsipidus possibly tum cancer and for me as well ehalign type one diabetes diabetes insipidus hirsutsim phobias germ...
please Lor dheal siste irn law and brother from covid keep nephewehins iste irn law womb safe form covid. keep them safe.dleiver them form allillness keep neice safe. Lor dpelas ehal my granma formdmentia highblososuga rhigh bloos pressur esmall boel obstrcution syndorme. give her storgn desire...
country: hungary
dehydration depression anxiety allucnelan spriits
eme soem cute little gifts
fmaiyl do alliny oru power
godly health happy protective caring
mirculusl yhea ehr teehtugms dentla
nephewehins iste irn law womb
nice card soem cute fmbirc
sugar related illness metabolic acidosis
praise report: thnak you Lord for healign my facial bones last ngiht. praise ot oyu Lord Jesus Christ. thank you for prayers: pleas epray for siste rinléaw and pregnant wiht nephew ( they need dleiverance form covis) askign God for miracle healign by Christ and for them to be free of cocivd...
bakc oofff plea
country: hungary
ebg oyu lord
heart valve spinal column
june christ lord dmak emy mother
one diabetes metabolic acidosis freedom
oyu rglro yan dpoewr
small bowel obsturciton syndorm pelapelapelase
total total breaking point
ppraise report: thank yu Lord for helaign of my teeth jaws provisin and your love faithfulness and salvaion thanky ou for all who pray fo rme and my fmaily. please pray fo my dads heart ot heal heatve to work properly agian and he can breathe easily have plenty of oxygen.helaign for my mom s...
ppraise report: thank yu Lord for helaign of my teeth jaws provisin and your love faithfulness and salvaion thanky ou for all who pray fo rme and my fmaily. please pray fo my dads heart ot heal heatve to work properly agian and he can breathe easily have plenty of oxygen.helaign for my mom s...
please pray fo my dads heart ot heal heatve to work properly agian and he can breathe easily have plenty of oxygen.helaign for my mom s brian and heart and body and healign for my grandma who is bederidden. ineed more strnght an dhelaign form type 1 diabetes and dieabtes insipidus metabloic...
bitterness anger malice
brian total restoration healing infections
corona phobia szila nk
country: hungary
diabetes insipidus metabolic acidosis
lonthis site lease heal ty total restoration
mobile bed math guy
phobia germ phovia
power lor dpelas ehlp neg oyuthanky ouia dnal hela
Praise report: thank you Lord Jeus Christ for healign my teeth skull teeth puttign all my facialboen sinto place thank you Lord for helaign the astigmatism in my eyes ( had severe stigmatism) praise the Lord He is So Good! He can do all things! pelas epray my grandm ais heale dof dementi...
PRaise reprot: thank you Lord Jesus Christ for you mircuollouls helaign fo teeht jaw facial boens thank you for helpign me wiht mayn thign sliek ideas for inventions. pleas ehelp me with my lsut for materism. please help me find and seek the Lord iwht lal my heart. ipray htis for my future hubby...
Praise report: I recieved helaign in my teeth thank you Lord Jesus Christ for healign me and never leavign or forsakign me! I praise YOu for oyur helaign. Please gudie us al to do your will know you andsee you. John 6:40 please give your salvaiton and heaign and dleiverance to all my fmaily...
Praise report: i want to thank God for gigivn g em so mcuh helaign on my teeth and jaws and teeht alignement thank you God thank you Lord Jesus Christ. thanky ou somcuh i am so grateful thank you always always always. I want to thank oyu all churhc family for praiyng for me and my fmaily. pelas...
country: hungary
dehydration issues lor
evil lor dmay oyu
homless ness lor
many pelas epray sh ecan talk
narrow veins arteries deliverance
pension paper work
small bowel obstruction syndrome
wonderful mpension miracle pension
I am asking for prayer first for my sister Jennifer & her children. Asking that God would please heal her feet so she could walk on it without trouble, & that God would help her out financially. Her children, that they would do great in this coming school year & for anyone who is not saved, that...
I am asking for prayer first for my sister Jennifer & her children. Asking that God would please heal her feet so she could walk on it without trouble, & that God would help her out financially. Her children, that they would do great in this coming school year & for anyone who is not saved...