
  1. Wilen

    Please pray for my other cousins drug ...

    Please pray for my other cousins drug addicted man to leave and stop coming here and for her to move out like she said she was going to. She tricked my auntie into letting her stay here again and now she's trying to stay permanently. And please pray for me because I feel bad praying for this but...
  2. SisterGrace

    I just went and asked for return ...

    I just went and asked for return of money from this person and they said that I have to wait till 2028 to have my money back. Is this a joke or something? I said. This people are not saved, they do not know Jesus and I am pretty sure they are going straight to hells burning fire. So, dear people...
  3. Ginoh

    I am requesting prayers for all my ...

    I am requesting prayers for all my coworkers and family friends will get right with God and be saved be on their way to heaven. I want to see all of them in glory when I depart planet earth. Jesus said. Come to Me and I will give you rest. Pray that I will not worry who will get saved and who...
  4. Tiffany

    Praise the Lord. I thank you all ...

    Praise the Lord. I thank you all for praying for our church and for those who came in and did not get saved. O Lord, please, touch their hearts and minds and save them. They are a lot of them who are in sin and on their way to hells burning fire. Save them we pray. Amen
  5. Charlestown

    Worthy is the Lamb to be praised ...

    Worthy is the Lamb to be praised and adored by those who were redeemed by His Blood shed on Calvarys cross. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who came to save us from burning down in hells fire. Please pray for those lost soul who came to church this morning. They are living so far away from Jesus...
  6. BrotherHendricks

    Follow the Lord, do not follow the world.

    Jesus is our best Teacher and Leader in our lifetime. Without Him we will fall low and at the end we will end up´in hells burning fire. Follow Me... says the Lord. I will make you fishers of men. Yes Lord, I will do this all of my life. Amen
  7. UsherEggerston

    Holy is our God who sent His ...

    Holy is our God who sent His only Son to earth to die on the cross for us and redeem us from going to hells burning fire. Dear Lord, forgive me all of my sins because I have forgotten to praise and honor You as I should. I want to give my life to You and please heal me and change my life today...
  8. BrotherStephen

    For You are glorious and worthy of all praise.

    Yes, Jesus is worthy of our praise and we should honor His holy name wherever we are. As chosen people of God who rescue us from burning in hells fire we should build many important spiritual habits that will help us grow in the the light of Gods word and live a life that pleases Him. We...
  9. Giselle

    I want to live with Jesus in ...

    I want to live with Jesus in heaven. I do not want to go to hells burning or stay here on earth because it will be destroyed by fire anyway just as Jesus predicted. Please, pray for me that I will live a holy and pure life before God and before others and pray that I will see Jesus face to face...
  10. Edwards

    When others refuse to come to church and be saved.

    Continue to pray, continue to fast for salvation cometh from the Lord. We cannot force anyone coming to Gods holy presence, but we can ask the Lord to touch the harden hearts of those we love and care. For sure, we do not want them to end down in hells burning fire for ages to come. We want...
  11. Gisell

    Thank you everyone for praying for our ...

    Thank you everyone for praying for our church. God is touching those who are lost and heading to hells burning fire. May God continue to save souls. Amen
  12. RevJohansen

    Why should we sing praises to Jesus?

    Because He saved us from going to hells burning fire. Forever and ever sinners will burn in Ghehennah No one will be able to save them. Just as the Bible tell us. No one can go to hell when they are in heaven. Jesus opened the gates of glory. For us to enter in. Stay away from sin and evil...
  13. Heston

    Christian should beware of false teaching of Gods word.

    We are living in the last days before Jesus comes back to earth. False teachers and preachers shall come in and deceive many. Do not be the one deceived and heading to hells burning fire. O Lord deliever us from false teachers. Amen
  14. BrotherHendricks

    Every day we have an opportunity to ...

    Every day we have an opportunity to glorify the Lord and thank Him for what He is doing all around us. Please pray for all my friends on line, some are saved and not walking with the Lord while others are lost and heading to hells burning fire. Please Jesus save them all we pray. Amen
  15. SisterMacmillan

    He is so gentle,so pure and so kind.

    No one on earth can be so gentle as Jesus is. He took me out from the miry clay and made me a true daughter of God. Full of prayer and reading Gods word. He died for our redemtion from hells burning fire. He was crucified and died for me. I love Him with all of my heart. Glory to God in...
  16. Evangelynn

    Please pray for all my children to ...

    Please pray for all my children to walk in the ways of the Lord and never ever depart from it. The world, the flesh and the devil are working so hard for them to go to hells burning fire. We must fast and pray daily for salvation cometh from the Lord. Save them, protect them and be with all our...
  17. SisterMeghan

    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.

    No one shall ever ever love you like Jesus did on the cross. He died for you and for me so we will not die or be thrown out into hells burning fire. Instead, we shall enter the eternal kingdom of God in heaven. Jesus the did it all for us because He loved us, He has chosen us before the...
  18. Brucknerr

    Glorify Thy name in all the earth.

    God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Loving His holy name, praising Him wherever we are. Honoring and glorifying God for sending Jesus to save us from ending down in hells burning fire. Father, we love You, We praise You and adore You. Glorify Thy name in all the...
  19. Eleuthairia

    Please pray for me I don't know ...

    Please pray for me I don't know how to stop being in a relationship that involves drugs like P and the hells angels
  20. PastorBernard

    May the blessings of the Lord come ...

    May the blessings of the Lord come to everyone who pray daily for the needs of others. May this wonderful season where our dear Savior has come to save us from sin and evil and from going to hells burning fire. All glory , all honor and all praise shall be unto Him now and forever more. Amen
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