helena breast cancer

  1. natasha2

    1) Throat inflammation 2) Breast cancer 3) Gastritis, menopause/hormones/menstrual cycle

    1) My friend ### (###) - heavy throat inflammation, all red and swollen, he is barely talking, air condition in the bus is the reason, he hopes he will not be forced to go to the doctor and take antibiotics, pray that it will pass through Lord's intervention. 2) My friend ### - breast cancer...
  2. natasha2

    Breast cancer -Helena, my old father - health 3 serious conditions

    Healing for my good friend in Christ - Helena (age cca 65-70) . Breast cancer and heavy overweight. Lord help her to start eating less and less and only food that is good for her body. And show her that she should starve that cancer with it. To eat lots of Fruits and vegetables. Healing for my...
  3. natasha2

    Breast cancer...family meeting to be well

    Helena - breast cancer to be removed in Jesus name. My dear sister in Christ. We have in couple of hours family meeting. My parents, brother, his friend (female) and me. Lord let us have wonderfull time full of joy, love, understanding, compassion, and future plans together. Amen. No fights or...
  4. natasha2

    Health - my father, my friend Helena, me, my family

    Health for my old father - serious issues with prostate gland, eyes and skin Health for my friend in Christ Helena. Breast cancer. Heavy overweight. Pray for shrinking and dissappearing of cancer and any possible methastasis. Me - no irritation, itchiness in my larynx, pharynx (breathing and...
  5. natasha2

    Helena, my old father, my family

    My friend Helena - breast cancer, no heavy chemotherapy symptoms. Easy chemotherapy. My old father no possible blindness but sight better and better, eyes healthier and healthier. Also health of a prostate gland (no tumor or to big gland,). No skin tumors/warts/,mals. Longevity health and...
  6. natasha2

    HEAT WAVE old parents, me...health - me

    Normal blood pressure.(not high) Relaxed body. Normal heart beat (not fast). Normal stomach acid. No.gastritis. No nausea. No pain in my neck in some positions. No pain in my lower abdomen. Normal not excessive period. Not to long period (4-6 days). Regular menstrual cicle, not to short or to...
  7. natasha2

    My mother-strength, breast cancer-friend, father-eyes

    Pray for my old mother not to overload herself with unnecessary activities. Pray for her health and srrength enrrgy good mood joy youtfulness My good friend in Christ Helena. Breast cancer. No possible spreading in her body. No heavy overweight. Healthy eating and walking habits. No terrible...
  8. natasha2

    Time money home manager...breast cancer

    To be excellent TIME MANAGER MONEY MANAGER HOME MANAGER RESSOURCE MANAGER PEOPLE MANAGER. My good friend in Christ Helena breast cancer. No.cancer No methastasis/spreading No chemothetapy awfull symptoms. No heavy overweight Healthy eating Joy Faith for healing. Revelations, insights for her -...
  9. natasha2

    No chemotherapy sympoms, dental healing, noise,

    1) Today chemotherapy my good friend in Christ Helena. Breast cancer. Heavy overweight. Please pray that she will not have any bad symptoms from chemotherapy. No weakness, no nausea, no vomitting whatever in Jesus name!! Everything is possible to God. Amen!! Helena is pretty afraid and she is...
  10. natasha2

    Breast cancer... teeth/dental flesh, stomach

    Me - No bloating. No difficulties breathing. No PMS (premenstrual syndrom). Normal stomach acid. No tension. Good sleeping in the night (+enough). Me - No cysts, swellings, abscesses...no cavities/carrhies, plaque... healthy fresh dental flesh, heathy whole white shiny strong beautiful...
  11. natasha2

    Allergy, breast cancer, time/money manager

    Me - no allergy, no dificulties breathing, no dty/closed sinuses or water from the nose. Me - excellent time, money, home, ressource, real estate and people manager. Using wisely all of mentioned stuff. My good friend in Christ - Helena - breast cancer, heavy overweight, joint pain...
  12. natasha2

    My friend Helena PNEUNOMIA, breast cancer

    Please pray hard for my froend Helena. Breast cancer and couple days ago pneumonia. That she will breathe easily, have strength and not being exhausted. Also that God will completely remove this cancer. That she will not loose her breast(s). That she will not suffer consequences of any chemo or...
  13. natasha2

    Breast cancer, Helena my friend

    Helena breast cancer. Cca 60. My good friend, helper in prayer. She has gift of healing prayer for others. Now is her turn to receive it from you.guys. Let us help.our sister. Amen
  14. natasha2

    Helena breast cancer

    Helena breast cancer. My good friend and prayer warriour helper of me and many other people. Pray for normal weight, not severe overweight. She barely walks sometimes. Pray for her and for her son to. They are both overweight. Her son had thyroid cancer Her sister had breast cancer. One...
  15. natasha2

    Breast cancer, needs, my friend Helena

    My friend Helena. Breast cancer Quick healing Right treatement/therapy No unpleasant symptoms or consequences No methastasis Complete healing Joy Happy to live Unwavering faith in God, his goodness and willingness to heal her All needs covered SHE SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE TO DECLARE THE...
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