
  1. Hadin

    Reconciliation of marriage

    I have had mental health issues for the last four years (at least) and ended up in hospital last year with anorexia. And last year unfortunately due to heightened stress and distress, with me suicidal, screaming and shouting, completely in a mess, and a panic, and all over the place, my husband...
  2. Camiren

    My heart is broken. I am mourning ...

    My heart is broken. I am mourning the recent passing of my father. Now the man who I'm in love with won't speak to me because I hurt his feelings really badly over a misunderstanding and my heightened emotions. I have no peace in my heart and I feel sick. I am so sad. Please ask God to help him...
  3. Marte

    Pray that my bosses and coworkers are ...

    Pray that my bosses and coworkers are stoppes in bullying me. Pray that my anger, bitterness and vengeful thinking is taken away. Please, take it Jesus. Help me, Jesus. Please take my anger and heightened stress responses. Help me be calm. Help me be safe and find joy and happiness today ❤️ Amen
  4. awesomedaughter

    Please send your ministry of angels and ...

    Please send your ministry of angels and come down from the heavens to shift this atmosphere of heightened family conflict to love. Thank you in Jesus nameamen
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