heavy chemotherapy symptoms

  1. natasha2

    ### - friend in Christ - breast cancer

    Helena - my friend in Christ - 1) no breast cancer 2) no possible spreadings in her body 3) no heavy overweight - please pray that she will not overeat and eat lots of meat, especially porc (her son is also very overweight) 4) no heavy chemotherapy symptoms PLEASE (vomiting, nausea...
  2. natasha2

    Breast cancer, my old ### - many health issues

    Helena - my friend in Christ - breast cancer, and please no heavy chemotherapy symptoms. Also my old father - nervous breakdown yesterday, no dementia/Alzheimer, hiatal hernia, prostate gland swelling, little skin tumors, eyes - almost blind on one eye. I really ask you humbly to pray that he...
  3. natasha2

    3 person - health issues

    My friend Slobodan - tooth cyst, swelling. My friend Helena - no breast cancer, no possible methastasis, no heavy overweight, no heavy chemotherapy symptoms. My father - no eye issues - double vision, very blury vision, possible blindness. - prostate gland issues - growth, possible carcinoma...
  4. natasha2

    My father and my good friend - no cancer and no other sicknesses AMEN

    Lord please heal my old father 86 (skin tumors, mals, warts...prostate gland growth maybe carcinoma...eyes double and very blurry vision and possible blindness). Lord give him HEALTH, STRRENGTH, JOY, ENERGY, VITALITY, biblical LONGEVITY, GOOD MOOD, OPTIMISM, JOY, RECOVERY, REGENERATION TO EVERY...
  5. natasha2

    Breast cancer, heavy overweight

    My good friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight, no heavy chemotherapy symptoms.Prosperity and revelation in every area of her life so that she can live with dignity healthy and free and prosperous life. Victim of sexual child abuse. Healing of trauma. Pray that she will be...
  6. natasha2

    Breast cancer

    Helena, my good friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no.possible methastasis, no heavy overweight, no heavy chemotherapy symptoms No.lateness of train today, tomorrowy this whole month, year, next year etc in Jesus name. No lateness for work
  7. natasha2

    Serious health issues - my father, my friend Helena...me - diggestion

    1) serious health issues with skin, prostate gland and eyes. Lord have mercy on my old father ❤❤❤ 86 2) Helena - good friend in Christ - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight (her son also heavy overweight, cancer survivor), no heavy chemotherapy symptoms. 3) me - no diggestive issues of any...
  8. natasha2

    Breast cancer, heavy overweight, chemotherapy symptoms

    My friend in Christ Helena cca 65. No breast cancer, no heavy overweight. No.heavy chemothetapy symptoms. Her blessed in every area of her life even with finances. People in the train dont have manners. One woman is talking on a camera on the phone and i can hear it well from big distance. Also...
  9. natasha2

    No bloating, stomach...breast cancer...prostate gland, skin, eyes

    No bloatinv. Normal stomach acid. Normal breathing. Like i have stone in my stomach Pray for my friend Helena - no breast cancer. No heavy overweight. No heavy chemotherapy symptoms.. My old fathet - 86 - serious problems with skin, eyes and prostate gland.
  10. natasha2

    No lateness/on time...Breast cancer Helena

    No lateness of train Me on time for work and even much more earlier to have time for preparing classes and communion with the Lord and planning of the Lord. Peace in the train also for that. My good friend in Xhrist Helena - no breast cancer no heavy overweight.No heavy chemotherapy symptoms.
  11. natasha2

    Helena, my old father, my family

    My friend Helena - breast cancer, no heavy chemotherapy symptoms. Easy chemotherapy. My old father no possible blindness but sight better and better, eyes healthier and healthier. Also health of a prostate gland (no tumor or to big gland,). No skin tumors/warts/,mals. Longevity health and...
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