heavenly sound

  1. Florist

    Then the Lord shall appear.

    Our dear Savior and Lord will come back again, His appearing is a warning for us to be prepared and ready to fly away to be with HIm. An encouragement and an incentive to be all He wants us to be and be in prayer because He will come as a thief in the night, no ne knows, only the Father knows...
  2. SongleaderCoralynn

    The invisible choir.

    Blending in a choir is the key to get a unified sound. A heavenly sound that will reach many and hear Jesus speaking to their hearts. O that everyone of us will join a heavenly choir where the holy presence of God will be maginified and glorified. Blending well into a wonderful choir can be...
  3. SisterEvelynn

    The most glorious tune I heard.

    It was heavenly, it was so lovely to hear those wonderful voices singing praises to the Lord who has come to our hearts and make us all new. Taking away all worries, all fears and bringing us a place where we can find peace, joy and happiness in our life. The heavenly sound brings joy to our...
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