Me - no tension, but relaxation of my body. No stomach/diggestive issues like diarrhea, morning stomach nervosity etc. Clear vision, healthy eyes, normal not high blood pressure, healthy dental flesh and teeth, strong teeth, no swellings/cysts..
My friend Slobodan - no cyst near of his tooth...
breast cancer
clear vision
country: croatia
diarrhea morning stomach nervosity
healthy dental flesh
high blood pressure
possible metastasis
possible pain
stomach digestive issues
Peace in my neighbourhood. My next door neighbours are becoming restless going in and out of appartement slamming with doors. Also my other next neighbours also dropp things, move furniture or whatever.
Also.pray for my clear vision and healthy eyes.
And good sweet sleep tonight. Enough of...
clear vision
country: croatia
good sweet sleep
high efficiency
home cleaning decluttering
next door neighbors
other next neighbors
similar amen
No pain or unease while moving or walking - lower back, leggs, hipps. Lumbo.ishialgia.
No allergy or cold/flue and any breathing problems, irritation in my larynx, itchiness or inflammation. Easy caughing out.
Healthy teeth and gums. No abscesses, cysts...
Healthy eyes (and eye blood...
High efficiency in home obligations - cooking, cleaning, washing, trash, organizing, decluttering, shopping etc etc
Extreme health for me and my family. Me - health of my breathing and diggestive system. No allergy, no dryness of nose, heavy caughing out...clear breathing tubes, no bloating, no...
clear breathing tubes
country: croatia
decluttering shopping
excellent vision healthy teeth
family protection
family strength energy vitality
high efficiency
home obligations
strong healthy teeth good mood joy positivity optimism
I am a lady. Please pray for my healthy eyes.l have sincerely prayed for many souls and now it's my turn to receive the benefits of prayers.l have started feeling the benefits.
My good friend in Christ Helena - no breast cancer, no heavy overweight, no horrible chemotherapy symptoms. Healthy eating sleeping and walking/exercising habits. Healthy self love habits.
My old father Andreea 86, no danger of BLINDNESS but healthy eyes and 20/20 vision, no double or blury...
bad surgeries
blurry vision consequences
country: croatia
healthyeyeshealthy pure
healthy self love habits
horrible chemotherapy symptoms
many black spots
prostate gland growth
three local surgeries
Noise from some device /machine day and night. Lord do something about it. It wakes me up couple times through the night. I don't if it is washing machine, ventilator or something else. Lord have mercy it is a 3 days and nights non stop noise.
Nausea in the stomach. Gastritis. Please normal...
No overeating.
Moderate eating.
No.emotional or hormonal.overeating. Amen
Perfect weight and perfect shape.
My old father - eyesight every day better and better. No.danger of blindness. Healthy eyes. No blurry or double vision. No cataract, glaucoma etc
60.000 kn for me on my banc accounts. Pure money. No debt on any account or to any person. Amen. (1 dollar cca 7,5 kn)
Health of my stomach, teeth, dental flesh (no swelling, cyst, abscess, plaque, cavity...), healthy eyes, excellent vision (espec near), everything alright with my hormones...
amazing beach
amazing hosts
amazing summer holiday vacations
country: croatia
life guidance direction insight
right wa path
seacoast 21 30 days amazing company friends boyfriend
stomach teeth dental flesh
successful healthy stabile life partner
Itchiness in the throat larynx. Slime in the nose. Allergy or virus.
Please pray also for healthy teeth and gums, healthy eyes and excellent near vision. Normal, not high blood pressure.All good with my hormones and menstr cycle, menopause transitiom.Also for good diggestion. No...
My old father (86) healing and repair of eyes and eyesight. All consequences of bad eye surgeries, cataract, glaucoma....double vision, blury eyesight, danger of blindness (doctors prognosis). Lord heal him completely. New eyes and eyeballs from heaven. Thank you for your grace and mercy even...
bad eye surgeries
blindness doctors
country: croatia
double vision blurry eyesight danger
excellent vision
new eyes
old father
tram bus
unsaved people
My vision and the vision of my father every day better and better. Healthy eyes. Deep genetic healing and vision correction.
Near and far vision.
Also for my mother and father.
My father - no.possible blindness.
No cataract, glaucoma consequences.
No.double vision.
Healing consequences of bad eye surgeries.
Every day his sight better and better.
Lord make him a testimony of your glory, kindness and mercy to all...
Please pray that this strange stomach flue will finaly leave.
I am on a strict diet
Something is not right with my eyes.
Red eye like capillary bursted.
It is weird that my mother had also strange stomach flue with eye problems and red eyes.
Pray for healthy eyes for me and her.
Pray for...
Healthy eyes.
Regenerated eyes.
Excellent eyesight
Clear vision not blury.
Normal blood pressure in eyes and in general.
For me and my whole family.
Health for my old father.
Straight spine. He is very hunched over.
Totaly healthy eyes, excellent vision, total repair of his eyes/vision (double vision becauae of bad surgeries - glaucom, cataract).
Healthy eyes.
Excellent eyesight.
Healthy eye and general blood pressure.
Clear vision.
For me and my mother, father and brother.
Totaly renewed eyes, eyesight, eyeballs, cells of eyes regenerated and transformed into healthy. Consequenses of bad surgeries and double vision completely...