healing virtue

  1. Hamellauin


    Please heal me from Vertigo which I'm experiencing right now. Also diabetes, migraines, and undifferentiated Connective Tissue. Please allow your healing virtue to permeate every cell of my body. Lord Jesus I pray that I will increasingly grow in Faith and obedience and be fit for your use. May...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I need prayer please to feel better physically because of much anxiety & lack of sleep Dear Daddy God In Jesus's Name stay close to me & heal me Amen

    Dearest Abba-Daddy-My-Heavenly-Father-God I Pray In Your Son Jesus's Name For You To Please renew my strength & youth like the eagles & heal me physically & emotionally & spiritually May I feel all better & know much happiness & joy & get all of my energy & strength back completely Please Send...

    I pray for you that healing virtue ...

    I pray for you that healing virtue of the Lord come upon you and heal you right now, In JESUS Name.
  4. Checen

    I have dreamed several years ago that ...

    I have dreamed several years ago that I was endowed with the gift of healing..Cripple began to walk blind eyes were opened dumb began to speak immediately Several people have prophesied that I have the healing virtue in my left hand or that God is going g to give me the gift of healinLast week a...
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