I've had an attempt on my life again, the enemy wants me dead. Please pray for my safety and for healing and deliverance from his attacks and murderous attempts on my life. I've been to many churches for help but none could help me. I'm being persecuted. Please pray for strength and Jesus His...
Please stand with me in faith and agreement to get a breakthrough from foundational bondage. It's stubborn and a hard fight. Pray for God to give me insights in the roots of my problems so I know what to do, in Jesus name I ask this.
I nearly died after pushing the body too hard working seven days a week. The body was fatigued but I couldn’t take a day off. Then I got sick back to back and that’s when things went downhill fast. Woke up one morning near death and couldn’t stand up without falling back onto bed and losing...
life shouldn't be this hard whatever ive had has been a really hard fight no more, i want things to go smoothly and easily i want to move forward in my life easily w/o any problems or roadblocks