hallelujah pastor

  1. Dystrisar

    Pastor, Glory be to God our Father ...

    Pastor, Glory be to God our Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Praise our Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! Pastor I've been working in this college for the past 20 yrs and under the headship of one who practices witchcraft and sorcery. She does that to protect herself and exercise her dominion in the Workplace...
  2. Hovma

    Testimony for my mom

    Dear Pastor, Thanks to Jesus for my mom’s healing! Hellaluiah! Thank you for your prayers and blessings! praise to the Lord! Now I heard my mom’s is good by the grace of God. My mom talked with me and she said doctor told her tomorrow she can go home. Praise to the Lord! Hellaluiah! Pastor...
  3. Hovma

    Pastor thanks for your prayers and blessings ...

    Pastor thanks for your prayers and blessings for my mother’s! My mother Martina Helenis better now Hellaluiah! Pastor, her BP and sugar level is very high And she is very weak, her body is shaking. Please pray for my mother’s healing then Jesus heals her body and my mother glorify to...
  4. Ateldae

    Hallelujah pastor please pray for me as ...

    Hallelujah pastor please pray for me as I have my both tubes blocked n I m not conceiveing since many years I tried many treatments done IVF also but failed please pray for me to conceive baby boy in the name of Jesus AMEN
  5. Ateldae

    Hallelujah pastor please pray for my womb ...

    Hallelujah pastor please pray for my womb because I m not conceiving form both blocked tubes. I have one daughter but I m trying for baby boy for last 9years Amen.
  6. Gladangea

    Hallelujah,paster I am Jatin.I wanna to crack ielts exam.i emanate from india.

    Hallelujah,paster I wanna to crack ielts exam so that I can do study beyond sea.am from india.
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