I've cough since few days. Sometimes I feel I'm alright no more cough. But again it starts coughing. Feeling so irritating. When I feel coughing. I can't control my cough. Due to this winter season also I'm feeling cough. From tomorrow I've classes starting. I've to sit in the Hall for 2hrs...
Prayers please. For the neighbor across the hall and the one below to stop staring at me when they see me. They don’t just look but give a menacing stare as I walk by whenever I encounter them. They’re a lot of narcissistic entitled people and it is ramping up. Please Lord I’m a peaceful person...
Tomorrow is my younger brother's marriage at 5pm in church and reception at hall. Please keep in prayers that everything will go well smoothly without rains.
That God would grant me success in my Registered Nursing Council exams starting tomorrow being the 7th of May, that his Grace would speak for me and supersede everything. I’ll pass my paper 1, paper 2 and paper 3 and come out in flying colors. That I’ll not leave the hall gnashing my teeth but...
I just came home. It's 3 pm time for rest and I want to go to sleep and workers in the hall of our building (painters) are making noise with a hammer. I feel like someone is using the hammer in my apartment. Very annoying. Please let them stop. They already said that they would finish two days...