Father through your son Jesus I ask you to let those who know about Gangstalking and the dangers of HAARP and WIFI and cell towers to take control of those and wipe out HAARP. HAARP is about 70% to blame for our planets issues and v2k and AI transmissions, so they need to change hands and need...
HAARP in California is causing bad weather there Hurricanes and other floods etc... I think there is a HARRP in California please pray the facility is destroyed in California and no one is hurt. Plus destroy the one in Alaska and Rhode Island pray that all are they're the ones responsible for...
I pray to god that HAARP and their AI chat bots are destroyed. lawsuits need to follow for those who suffer v2k and Cuban Syndrome. To force them to shut this mess off thank you Jesus for hearing this prayer and for doing so AMEN and AMEN!