
  1. Asotoulia

    I guess he's working or whatever but ...

    I guess he's working or whatever but again today a guy just stops on the side of the road starring at me can you guy's please pray for my Safety?
  2. Asotoulia


    Someone passed by my house really slowly yesterday and the person stopped all of a sudden and the person drove away really slowly and i couldn't tell if it was a girl or a guy that did it so can you guy's please pray for my Safety?
  3. Asotoulia

    Everyone that has prayed for me when ...

    Everyone that has prayed for me when my teeth we're In pain and when I was really scared too go too Jury Duty on May 26 2020 which was on a Tuesday I thank all of you guy's so much for praying for me It actually does mean a lot too me
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