And this had nothing to do with God or Jesus and their belief in them, but rather how rational, practical, empathetic and disciplined these persons are. Sometimes you gotta pull yourself out of the gutter and this comes through building inner fortitude and resilience. Some people spend their...
I fell down into the gutter in front of my house. By tomorrow it will be four weeks of serious pain. In and out of the hospital since then. My name is ###.
I ask you who read this to talk to God, to Jesus and ask him to give strength to stop lust and self sex that has controlled me since I was a teenager, I am slightly mentally handicapped and my wife does not know anything, I wish I was not married, I wish I was dead in the gutter like all the sex...
Heavenly Father today we saw the spider and tried again to get it. It ran up the web into the gutter to hide from us. Please help this spider to leave and not come back. He is big and brown and likes to build a huge web. We have been trying to get rid of him for about 2 weeks. It did not help to...
Heavenly Father I ask you to please help this spider to move off our front porch and build his big web somewhere else. We have been dealing with him about 2 weeks. We tear down his web and the next morning its back again. He builds it from the stair railing to the railing on the porch up to the...
Heavenly Father I ask you to please help this spider to move off our front porch and build his big web somewhere else. We have been dealing with him about 2 weeks. We tear down his web and the next morning its back again. He builds it from the stair railing to the railing on the porch up to the...