green tea

  1. Quinten

    I am no longer to be fat ...

    I am no longer to be fat in my body because it makes me feel uncomfortable while wear a clothes feel like a tight. I am still continuing to eat a lot of vegetables into my body to clean it out of my system, drink green tea and water too.
  2. Anonymous

    Father God if i start fasting from ...

    Father God if i start fasting from coffee ,what else can I drink instead .Can I drink coffeine free coffee, or green tea ,please answer me ASAP,IJNA.
  3. Anonymous

    Holy Spirit ,Please reveal to me if ...

    Holy Spirit ,Please reveal to me if I fast from coffee ,is it ok to at least replace it with green tea and how long should I fast, please?IJNA.
  4. Bidna

    Goodmorning,here is a child from Tanzania,I need ...

    Goodmorning,here is a child from Tanzania,I need prayers,I am suffering from allergies,eye allergy ,I can't eat a lot of food like red meats,beans,I can't stay in a place where there's dust,,I can't drink drink greentea and a lot of food pls I believe through your prayers god will heal me
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