great nation

  1. Hodegopia

    Please help my ### channel get monetzied.

    I have a youtube channel I've been growing. it has enough but I'm scared because of the liberals that they won't monetize it because the content has to do with how beautiful ### is and our great nation and mostly his son. Please help thank you.
  2. Intercessor

    Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6)

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace of Jerusalem, and all who love Jerusalem shall prosper and be secure (Ps 122:6). Thank you that you bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse him. (Gen 12:3). Thank you that you were a wall of fire around Jerusalem last...
  3. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our ### in Prayers

    I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." ~ Genesis 12:2 “My Heavenly Father, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our leaders with perseverance and unshakable faith and courage. Be with them in their...
  4. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our ### in Prayers

    “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." ~ Genesis 12:2 “My Heavenly Father, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our leaders with perseverance and unshakable faith and courage. Be with them in their...
  5. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌎 Keep Our ### in Prayers

    “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing." ~ Genesis 12:2 “My Heavenly Father, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our leaders with perseverance and unshakable faith and courage. Be with them in their...
  6. Intercessor

    Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6; Gen 12:2-3; Zech 2:8, Rom 11:26)

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace of Jerusalem, and all who love Jerusalem shall prosper and be secure (Ps 122:6). Thank you that you bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse him. (Gen 12:3). Thank you that you were a wall of fire around Jerusalem last...
  7. Intercessor

    Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6)

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace of Jerusalem, and all who love Jerusalem shall prosper and be secure (Ps 122:6). Thank you that you bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse him. (Gen 12:3). Thank you that you were a wall of fire around Jerusalem last...
  8. Intercessor

    Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6)

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace of Jerusalem, and all who love Jerusalem shall prosper and be secure (Ps 122:6). Thank you that you bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse him. (Gen 12:3). Thank you that you were a wall of fire around Jerusalem last...
  9. Intercessor

    Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6; Isaiah 62:6-7; Gen 12:3; Zech 2:5; Zech 2:8-9, John 4:22)

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace of Jerusalem, and all who love Jerusalem shall prosper and be secure (Ps 122:6). Thank you that you bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse him. (Gen 12:3). Thank you that you were a wall of fire around Jerusalem a...
  10. Intercessor

    Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6)

    Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace of Jerusalem, and all who love Jerusalem shall prosper and be secure (Ps 122:6). Thank you that you bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse him. (Gen 12:3). Thank you that you were a wall of fire around Jerusalem last...
  11. Eistok

    By the power in the blood of ...

    By the power in the blood of Jesus, I want every financial embarrassments over me andmy family to be destroyed now in Jesus name I decree that every altar that has risen against me and my family that has made us to work like an elephant and eat like an ant catch fire in Jesus name. Let every...
  12. Snowscarf

    Dear lord please heal America I pray ...

    Dear lord please heal America I pray that the dishonesty and corruption in Washington stop and this great nation that I love will be United once again
  13. Snowscarf

    Please pray for America in the upcoming ...

    Please pray for America in the upcoming election we need leadership in Washington that will-bring our great nation together and unite the country,we need a president that will work for the whole country not just the richest Americans
  14. Snowscarf


    Please pray for America and the upcoming election please oh lord let our next president be honest and faithful we need a president who is a leader not a divider like we currently have, we need a president willing to take this deadly virus seriously and help all Americans to be safe he needs to...
  15. Snowscarf


    I pray that our great nation once again becomes united and faithful in love for all Americans and we all fight satan through prayer and love for Jesus
  16. Spartyroma

    கர்த்தர் எனக்கு அவருக்காய் பாடல் எழுதும் திறமை எனக்கு ...

    கர்த்தர் எனக்கு அவருக்காய் பாடல் எழுதும் திறமை எனக்கு தந்து உள்ளார்.நான் இதுவரை 30 பாட்டு எழுதி உள்ளேன்.அதற்கு இசைக்கருவி வாங்க ஜெபியுங்கள்
  17. Articles

    Abraham's Faith

    Hebrews 11:8-19 Holy Father, in whom all faith is safe, I cannot imagine what it would be like to be asked to do what you asked Abraham to do. He was willing to sacrifice the very son you had promised to him, the son through whom you promised to make a great nation. He believed that you could...
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