We read,Woe to the Earth and to the sea because the devil has come down to you having great anger knowing he has a short period of time"I believe,with all the craziness happening now,and things seemingly speeded up,that's what's happening.BUT..to me it's still hard to deal with,because it's so...
In Revelation we read, after the devil was kicked out of Heaven. "Woe to the Earth and to the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great anger, because he knows he has a short amount of time." I feel that with the speeded up turmoil going on these days, in the world and in my own...
The fallen world was always a little crazy.But nowadays, it seems the bottom.has fallen out, that things are really going to extremes.I think this is because of th last c days."Woe to the Eartg and to the sea because the devil has come down to you having great anger, knowing he has a short...
Never have I understood the verse"Woe to the Earth and to the sea ,for the devil has come down to you,having great anger,knowing he has a short amount of time."Unfortunately,I'm in his crosshairs too.For protection...
In the probable last days, we see things happening where the forces of evil, by virtue of the fact that they're so overbearing,seem to be winning.But what was also made clear to me was that, while the world is celebrating people changing their God given genders .while we can't even have fair...
biased account
biased court case
biased media
country: united states
deceived old man
end woe
fair elections
probable last days
short amount
In Revelation we read"Woe to the Earth and to the sea for the devil has come down to you having great anger knowing he has a short amount of time"(not short enough)As Christians we have the gift of discernment and as I see everything fall apart both in the world and in my own situations that...
Excuse me, but I thought "last" means last. But with the last days, I see the predicted signs...an increase in earthquakes and volcanos...in my own experiences and in the world around me,I see things "speeded up" to a crazy pace,and I suspect this coincides with"woe to the Earth and to the sea...
There's much chaos popping up in my life, some situations of which I didn't have to deal with in the past."Woe to the Earth and to the sea, for the devil has come down to you, having great anger, because he knows he has a short amount of time."
Things are happening{and changing} too fast, both in my life and out in the world,as well as much instability.The verse that comes to mind is, "Woe to the Earth and to the sea, for the devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short time."