grandmother schneider vilmos

  1. Sescagh

    pleas e please pray for my grandmother ...

    pleas e please pray for my grandmother Shcneider Vilmosné to be heale dof all ilness and sickness, especially oxygen blood pressure and heart problems as wella s deformities of muscle sna dbone sosteoporosis and helaign of small bowel obstruction syndrom, healign of the cause of Cranial diabetes...
  2. Sescagh

    Dear beloved church, the body of Christ, ...

    Dear beloved church, the body of Christ, I kindly request wiht the highest of thanksgiving VERY urgent prayer for my grandma Schneider Vilmosné, Portscher Judit who is int he hospital. she needs a miracle healing fromt he Lord Jesus Christ for she has blood pressure problems (either VERY high or...
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