good reference

  1. Rhemorimos

    A toxic boss

    I worked in a place for 3 and a half years. The last 4 months was hell for me but I managed because I wanted a good reference. Now I got a job in a better place and the previous place of work sent in a bad reference. I'm so devastated and I want God to touch her the way he changed the life...
  2. silver1103

    Please pray that I find a good ...

    Please pray that I find a good reference.
  3. Anonymous

    finish cleaning and moving

    This is my last day to move. I ask for help moving and cleaning. May God take away weariness and help my landlord go easy on the broken window blinds and give a good reference when needed. Help me get the place perfect as possible, refresh me so I can finish, get rest and have a blessed day back...
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