I rebuke all the negative spirits, influences, and bondage this young man has on my daughter. I pray his mother will have him to move back home and he would set my daughter free from the financial hardship and negative influences he has on every aspect of her life. My daughter is going down the...
Lord Jesus, as my daughter saw some red flag in her relationship last night. Please give her the wisdom to not ignore them and the courage to stand up for herself to end this relationship. Her boyfriend is very manipulating and controlling toward her. He wants to live the worldly life but he...
country: united states
entire faith
everlasting divine unity
godly spouse
joy respect
red flag
selfish reasons
verbal abuse
worldly life
Please pray for ### to carry out her motherly Godly duties and guide her to have ### move with his family. As a mother, she needs to take care of him and stop depending on my daughter to do, He cannot provide for himself nor for my daughter. ### is expecting my daughter to take care of him. He...
country: united states
godly partner
lazy selfish rude disrespectful young man
motherly godly duties
red flags
right path
several police records
upcoming august
wrong path