I pray to get an large apt at ### soon good furuniture. My own car dental work do on eye glasses have plenty good vitamins an food when I get my benfits I plan to send in donation soon I hope. I wanna lose ###.### or ###.### lbs my skin to clear up lighten up no longer worries or be stress new...
Lord Jesus,you know my desperate needs.provide me good furniture to my rented house.bless my job, with your wisdom and knowledge.in Jesus name I pray Amen
Lord,I'm searching for another house for rent.provide me good house According to your will.If it is your will, bless me with own house with good furniture in it.bless my job,by granting me wisdom, knowledge and guidance to excel in my carrier.
Lord guide my steps.. grant me divine wisdom, knowledge to overcome every challenge in my job, able to excel in my carrier. Lord you know my desperate need. bless me with own dream house with Al good furniture,in Jesus name Amen