We have been married since 12 yr but we don't have child. Pray for baby boy in our life. Pray for someone walk into god's spirit in my business partner
"I earnestly pray of this to be known to all."
~A miracle would be any beneficial event...
such as God's Spirit coming upon troubled lives.~
'Praise God'
"Let us pray that we may become a channel for God's spirit.
Let us pray that God's spirit may flow through us into the lives of others."
'Praise God'
please pray for my teaching ministry that satan does not interrupt me and that the hearts of the hearers are softened and willing to rcieve gods word and that I receive much revelation to explain the bible and expound with accuracy and that I am anointed by the holy spirit and that god speaks...
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
—1 Thessalonians 5:23 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
We know that true righteousness and holiness are qualities possessed...
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day dear father
god's spirit
international bible society
kjv thoughts
passages of scripture
scripture quotations
spirit work
transforming power