godly xn man

  1. Anonymous


    pls cont to pray that God will heal me of all issues. including low self esteem, depression, anxiety, autoimmune, fibromyalgia, low motivation. I need God to truly help me w/ all asap as the house and car still r a mess pls cont to pray for a godly xn man to marry asap!! one who has integrity...
  2. Anonymous


    thx intercessors. i am going tomm. to consignment store; pls pray that God helps me find @ least 15 items to take to consign. I bc such a huge collector that the home is dangerous as i've developed arthritis, bursitis, nerve damage fr/ too much stuff!! healings needed for all. also, cont...
  3. Anonymous

    home invasion

    thx intercessors for cont. prayers that whoever broke into my home on Jan 15th will NEVER EVER COME BACK AGAIN!! I ended up having to hire a xn handyman @ cost to myself for reinforced/replacement of broken locks; not to mention the trauma of discovering someone had actually gained entry into...
  4. Anonymous


    thx for prayers re: healings of back/neck pain. I want to b pain free asap;; have alot of work to get caught up on; pain is awful!! Also have a hole where left front tooth pulled; pls pray no infections/no food caught in hole. Thx intercessors. Thx for cont prayers that God will supernaturally...
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