godly leaders

  1. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Global Peace. Prayers are needed

    Greetings brothers and sisters, let us pray for global peace and for the protection and guidance of all godly leaders in every nations. Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give our leaders the courage to fight a good fight...
  2. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Global Peace

    Greetings brothers and sisters, let us pray for global peace and for the protection and guidance of all godly leaders in every nations. Heavenly Father we pray for Your guidance, Your Peace, and Your Love to storm the four corners of the world. Give our leaders the courage to fight a good...
  3. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Please Pray for Our Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. We are seeing hope in Canada.Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and...
  4. Brother in Christ (JC)

    Pray for Our Leaders!

    There's a divine standard so high that most people fail to understands its implications in our daily lives. This Golden Rule is a set of values and morals compass above all earthly laws, that edifies and corrects when need be. Divine altruistic love is at the core of all great Christian leaders...
  5. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our...
  6. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our...
  7. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our...
  8. Deerly54

    Dear Lord please bless America with godly ...

    Dear Lord please bless America with godly leaders. Let President Trump lesd the country in Jesus Christ mighty name i pray Amen
  9. eagleisflying


    damascus rd experience for teresa sean killian danika that Jesus would send laborers that are on fire for Jesus to them for reconciliation and for visits with me grandma for God to give me wisdom discernment ischaachar anointing for ministry to women in jail and revival repentance in USA for all...
  10. Intercessor

    Philippine Elections

    Dear Lord, we pray for all the right people to be elected today. Help the vote counting be free from corruption. We pray for godly leaders in our own countries as well, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
  11. Articles

    Today's Verse - John 10:11 (KJV)

    I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. —John 10:11 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... The Bible uses the term "shepherd" for different kinds of Godly leaders. Only One, however, is the quintessential good Shepherd (Psalm 23:1-6; John 10:11-18). We follow this...
  12. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Lebanon

    Pray God's mercy over Lebanon as the country's economic and political crisis deepens. Ask the Lord to rise up godly leaders who will restore stable and righteous government in the nation. Pray also for courageous leadership in the church, so that God's people can bring His hope where there is...
  13. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for the President

    Heavenly Father, I bring the needs of our government before You and ask You to bless our nation through godly leaders. I magnify the Name of Jesus and declare that He is Lord over this nation. Lord, I pray that our president and leaders will honor You and respect You as the One and only True...
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