godless people

  1. Steven Bobb

    In California they have a governor who ...

    In California they have a governor who is letting criminals go free giving benefits to the illegal aliens etc.Yet the people voted for him. You reap what you sew when God judges you...."Because you have made a covenant with Sheol you say when the overwhelming flood passes through it will not...
  2. 9azo 11

    Prayer WARRIORS ...I Need your Help Interceding

    Father I thank you for what you have done and are going to do CONCERNING M.H.K.and All those Involved (Greed) Manipulation . Going on in this Season .When we Need to be pulling together ( for the sake of Peace ) Those who COULD do different are REACHING for SELF GRATIFICATION.USING ..LOOP WHOLES...
  3. Steven Bobb

    Now let me get this straight... according ...

    Now let me get this straight... according to some godless people{usually liberals} a woman has a "right" to get an abortion{and they ,including some men{protest for it, it's "her body"{although it kills the baby} yet we shouldn't decline the vaccine,although it's OUR bodies, just as much as the...
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