My Prayer Request is that OUR LOVE GOD JEHOVAH, THE WEALTHIEST, may enter the Deepest of My Love Mind, Heart, Soul, Spirit, and Body, so JESUS CHRIST Make Me Work 1 Trillion Times More Delightfully Cleaning Up Every Glorious Vessel of OUR WEALTHY GOD JEHOVAH'S Phenomenal House of Prayer the Way...
cochabamba republic
country: bolivia
love jehovah
love mind heart soul spirit
love miraculous house
phenomenal house
wealthy jehovah
Marital settlement and change of status (USA) and Financial breakthrus. Rising and falling , Disfavor , Struggling without results , and powers that makes life difficult for me should expire. My only child in Nigeria , all his efforts in prayers and fasting...telling me ,mummy you need to pray...
abuja powers
contract breakthroughs
country: unknown
enugu campus
financial breakthrough
marital settlement
pst jerry
req law school results
status usa