God, in His infinity mercy and love sent Jesus, the Son of the living God to this world to save us from sin and evil and to lead us all to His glorious presence. Opening the gates of heaven so we can enter in. Let us all bless His holy name and continue to sing praises to His holy name. He...
Love to sing songs to Jesus. I always did and wonderful happened to my life. I will not quit and the devil will not make me quit because Jesus told. Sing unto the Lord a new song... Yes. I will forever sing to Jesus songs that honors and glorifies His holy name. Please pray for me that I will...
For the glory of the Lord we have been created.
Living text of written word.
Mercy demonstrated.
We have been made a channel.
Where His praise is poured.
Witness of salvation.
For the glory of the Lord.
May our life be a glorious song to Him.
God has a wonderful plan for our life, He wants to bless us, help us and heal us. Also the devil has an awful plan for our life to make us miserable, unhappy and unjoyful. Be ready to choose which one we will walk through, in the mean time we should start singing songs of praise to Jesus...