gift of peace

  1. Articles

    Don't Be Troubled or Afraid

    [Jesus said,] "I am telling you these things now while I am still with you. But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative — that is, the Holy Spirit — he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. I am leaving you with a gift — peace of mind and...
  2. Intercessor

    Peace in The Cities in Which We Dwell (Jer 29:7)

    Father, thank You for the gift of Peace. We obey the call to prayer You issued through Jeremiah the Prophet. We ask for Peace in our respective cities, peace in the cities of The U.S., Peace in Washington and for the Peace of Jerusalem, the City of The Great Prince of Peace, in Jesus’ Name “And...
  3. Intercessor

    Peace of The Cities in Which You Dwell (Jer 29:7)

    Father, thank You for the gift of Peace. We obey the call to prayer You issued through Jeremiah the Prophet. We ask for Peace in our respective cities, peace in the cities of The U.S., Peace in Washington and for the Peace of Jerusalem, the City of The Great Prince of Peace, in Jesus’ Name “And...
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